What is a Quantum Business Strategist?

Brian Lenahan
3 min readApr 29, 2021


The Evolution of Roles in Quantum Computing

Photo source: Pixabay.com

Organizations need to start considering the value of quantum technology and the talent they need to populate their teams. With billions of dollars being invested globally both publicly and privately, industry players racing to new discoveries and solutions, and prospective clients desperately trying to understand the potential for their organizations, never before has there been a greater need for the Quantum Business Strategist.

The Quantum Business Strategist (QBS) represents a fundamentally new way to address quantum technology implementation and evolution within organizations. The quantum ‘quarterback’ (the QBS) leads the discussion between C-Suite and IT leaders in organizations and as an external consultant with client companies.

Requiring a broad set of skills and knowledge, the QBS should have deep business acumen, some knowledge of quantum physics and mechanics, and insights into the global quantum ecosystem (its’ players, its’ trends, its’ cost structure, its’ options, and more). The QBS need not be a PhD, or lifelong quantum technology industry participant. Organizations, whether government, industry or academia, consistently argue they need talent with sales, marketing, and operational experience as well as quantum knowledge, insight and experience.

Inspiring long-run organizational quantum success, the QBS supports the development of a quantum mission, vision, goals, strategies, KPI’s and tactics for the organization in near, mid and long-term. By staging quantum activities within the organization, its’ leaders (at various hierarchical levels) and employees acclimatize themselves to this complex, relatively immature technology, its myriad of options, and permit investment decisions to be prioritized alongside business goals.

Leveraging quantum opportunity assessments, (QA), quantum implementation templates (QIT), and quantum strategy roadmaps (QSR), the Quantum Business Strategist must have a business and customer-first approach to the technology. Quantum computing provides great potential, yet must be appropriately aligned with the goals of the business (not simply a shiny new piece of tech). Through analysis of the QA and QIT, leadership, employee and customer input, and industry insights, the QBS can develop a roadmap to enhance the success potential of quantum technology within an organization. Through the QBS’ roadmap, organizations gain greater comfort combatting concerns of falling behind the competition, or behind a rapidly advancing technology.

Providing resources, outside industry use cases, vendor contacts, and common-language recommendations, the QBS offers leadership a valuable quantum industry professional. To learn more about this new role and the exciting quantum computing industry of today and tomorrow, watch for “Quantum Boost: Using Quantum Computing to Supercharge Your Business” available from Amazon, May 20, 2021.

Copyright 2021, 2020 Aquitaine Innovation Advisors

Brian Lenahan is the author of four Amazon-published books on artificial intelligence including the Bestseller “Artificial Intelligence: Foundations for Business Leaders and Consultants”. He is a former executive in a Top 10 North American bank, a University Instructor, and mentors innovative companies in the Halton and Hamilton areas. Brian’s training in quantum computers comes from CERN/University of Oviedo, and Technische Universiteit Delft, and he writes extensively on quantum computing.

Email: ceo@aquitaineinnovationadvisors.com

Aquitaine Innovation Advisors: www.aquitaineinnovationadvisors.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brian-lenahan-innovation/



Brian Lenahan
Brian Lenahan

Written by Brian Lenahan

Brian Lenahan, former executive, advanced tech consultant, author of four Amazon-published books on AI and the author of the upcoming book “Quantum Boost”

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